Sunday, June 25, 2006

for unlawful carnal knowledge

I wore a Van Halen t-shirt today that I bought in Beverly Hills years ago when Shawn and I were there for's a an old stage photo iron-on, with David Lee Roth and the boys in their prime. I often get compliments on it, but the only one I got today was from a young black dude that was MC'ing at the Shoe Carnival on Market Street! Just a bit odd that he was the only person to comment on it. He was probably 23.

If you are a Valen Halen fan, you should bookmark this site It's owned and maintained by my buddy Jon in Boston, who has known the guys for years and used to publish their official mag. He keeps good tabs on them and Sammy Hagar, and it's a great resource for a band that still has some buzz and life left from all members...they've been around for almost 30 years now. Incredible.

Monday, June 12, 2006

big bens bike

ok, I have never been a big fan of riding motorcycles. I think they are cool, just like every other male, but I also know how dangerous they are, and how many people get hurt of killed each day b/c of the mistakes of another driver. We report about it all the time at the station.

I went four wheeling in Costa Rica a few months ago, against my better judgment really, but had a blast doing it. It's a big rush. But, I was wearing a helmet, and we were in the woods....alone. No cars.

Big Ben Rothlisberger just about spent his last day alive on this planet today. Did a face plant into a car that turned in front of him. Broke his jaw, nose, gashed his head and banged his knees up badly. He was not wearing a helmet.

I think the world of this guy, he is very solid person and is loved by the Pitt community and fan base. And he just helped bring us a Superbowl. I am just hoping he is smart enough to change his outlook on safety, and be around for another one.