Some close friends and I took our buddy Dave to the New Orleans Jazzfest a few weeks ago for his bachelor party. This was all a virgin trip for us, we had never been, but did meet up with Major and some of his crew, who have gone for years. Needless to say, we had a great time. Drank too much, stayed up way too late, and saw some incredible live music. ZZ Top, Better than Ezra and the Allman Bros. to name a few. Greg Allman had Warren Haynes (Govt. Mule) and Derrick Trucks on stage with him. One of the best shows I have ever seen.
The city is still in bad shape, lots of empty buildings and condemned homes. The event had to be good for the community, bringing in some revenue for the area. I plan on spending some more of my $ down there in years to come.