Went for a swim down at the south end of wrightsville beach a few weeks ago on a hot Sunday afternoon with a friend of mine. As we're wading into the ocean waves, she reminds me that she is not fond of any sea creatures...hates sharks and jellyfish...is very afraid that something is going to creep up and get her from underwater. As she is telling this story in waist high water, I look east out over the Atlantic and what do I see?

I did not have a camera of course, but this is a very similar image of what was in front of us...a manta ray breaching the surface. It was probably 50 yards out. I thought it was awesome, I have never seen this in all my time on the water and beaches of NC. It was the size of my car. My friend caught a glimpse of it landing, and was not so excited about it...timing could not have been more perfect to coincide with her stating she was scared of ocean critters. To credit her, she braved the waters for another 30 mins or so.
Good stuff, Di. :)