Like I said, these were going to be random...
I am beat. I've played a lot of tennis in the last 3 days. 35 and my feet are killing me after 5 sets. This is ridiculous. I used to be able to play 20 hours in a week and not feel a thing.
I just read a article on Yahoo about many loggerhead turtles that have died on the shores of FLA due to what they think is remnants of the red tide of 2005 . This sucks, b/c the apparent cause of this problem is pollution in the water from us human folk.
If you are not helping the wilderness in some way these days, I'm asking you to please start doing so. Signing petitions for the Sierra Club, attending local conservation meetings, giving a buck or two to a cause...whatever. My brother has volunteered at the Atlanta Zoo for years, and his involvement there has rekindled my respect/interest for wildlife that was very strong as a kid...which can be attributed to our dad. I'm attending the local Turtle Conservancy meeting here at the beach next week. A midnight turtle hatching is in my future.
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