I'm laid up on my couch with a rare chest cold, watching the Pistons and Cavs, chatting w/ my bro, who is in Seattle. Been sick for a few days. Just found out some bad news about a job I was looking into. Work is currently driving me bonkers, I'm drained with frustration. I've been very active in looking, and thinking about starting something on my own. More to come on that.
I also just read an email from the Save Darfur Foundation that helps keep things in perspective. I really took notice of the situation after hearing George Clooney, the only real high profile activists that I have seen creating awareness for the cause, on the Bill Maher show. You can send a letter to Pres. Bush from the homepage, urging for more help from the US Government. If you are not familiar with this crisis, please read about it. It's beyond horrible, and I'm a bit numb reading about the developments.
I heard a song today that phrased "if you've got will and a little time, use it". It's a good thought, and phrase to think about when bitching about your own personal workday, or reaching out for world peace. Make a difference in your own life and someone elses. A bit deep, I know. But true.
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